
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:16-18

Last weekend I had the privilege to be part of a team that went to minister and bless the sweet people of West Virginia. In the days preceding the trip I questioned whether I was supposed to go as I couldn’t really see what I had to offer. I had no special talents to bring to the table and I struggled with feelings of inadequacy. The enemy was doing his best to convince me that it would be better for all concerned if I simply stayed home and let others do the work.
I spent a lot of years being afraid to step out and do the things I felt God was calling me to do. Those days are over. So I told the enemy to shut his mouth and I packed my bag. God wouldn’t have put the desire in my heart if He did not have a place for me. I went with a determination in my heart to serve in whatever way I could.  You see, it is never about what we can bring to the table but about what God wants to do in and through willing vessels. If we are not willing to make ourselves available we will never know the possibilities in any given situation. When we submit to be led by the Spirit there is no end to what can be accomplished for the Kingdom.
hands and feet of GodI was completely undone as I witnessed our team being the hands and feet of a loving God to a people in desperate need. There was a spirit of cooperation that enabled the trucks and supplies to be unpacked and set up in record time. Lunch was served to the hungry. Words of encouragement were spoken to the downtrodden. People were entertained by the puppet and drama teams and friendships were forged. The love of Christ was shared with all who came.

It is hard to describe the level of need in this little town unless you have seen it firsthand. People are living in homes that are literally crumbling around them. There are few jobs to be had in the area and the living is certainly not easy. As people stood in line to receive what we had brought, a few shared that this was the only Christmas some of them would see. I couldn’t help but wonder when was the last time any of us had viewed some canned vegetables, flour and cleaning supplies as a Christmas gift. As I handed out creamed corn and stewed tomatoes I found myself repenting for taking so many blessings in my life for granted.
As desperate as the people’s physical needs were, their spiritual and emotional needs were even greater. They needed to be encouraged that God was there for them and that He had a plan for their lives. One woman that really touched my heart was Louise. At first, I thought that she was from another church that was there to minister. She seemed rather put together and I noticed her taking every opportunity to love on and pray for those around her.
During the short service we had, the minister asked anyone who was dealing with hopelessness to raise their hands. As hands all around the room popped up I saw the woman I had watched ministering to so many others lifting her hand. I put my hand on her shoulder and as I prayed her body began to quiver with all of the pain she had been holding in. I felt God wanted her to know that He was the God Who Sees and that He would not forsake her. After our time of prayer she shared with me how very much she needed that reassurance of God’s faithfulness. The losses she had experienced over the last year were devastating and she needed to know that God was still with her.
As I walked away I realized if I had depended on my own insight I would have missed this precious opportunity. From where I stood it appeared as if Louise had it all together, when in reality, she was hanging on by a thread and needed to be reassured that God had not forgotten her
So often we do not realize the burdens that others are carrying. Fortunately we serve a God that does see. If we ask, God will position us in order to pour His love though us. It doesn’t require any talent or skill on our part. It only requires us to have a heart after God and a willingness to be available to His purposes.

-Cindi Beauman

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